WE HAVE A CALL SCRIPT. Call Sen. Feinstein at (310) 914-7300 and Sen. Harris at (213) 894-5000 and ask them to vote NO on Brett Kavanaugh. Then share this page with your friends and family all over our country, especially if they live in Indiana, North Dakota, or West Virginia.
We need EVERY Democrat senator to commit to NO. That’s the first step to stopping Donald’s illegitimate appointment that will send our country backwards for decades. Then it only takes one Republican senator to stop it for good.
Call Script to Oppose Brett Kavanaugh
Hello, I’m [name] and a constituent living in [your city]. May I speak to the staffer in charge of judicial nominations? (if not there) May I have his/her name and email?
I’m calling to ask Senator [name] if he/she supports the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh for the U.S. Supreme Court.
(if no) Thank you. I support the senator’s position.
(if yes or unsure) How does Sen. [name] feel about Mr. Kavanaugh’s belief that presidents can nullify laws, like Obamacare, just by not enforcing them?
How does Sen. [name] feel about a possible Supreme Court justice that has been rated more conservative than Anthony Kennedy and Neil Gorsuch, and someone who is a threat to our established right to privacy, set by Roe v. Wade?
In what ways does the senator believe Mr. Kavanaugh will uphold equality for all, especially in the LGBTQ+ community?
Does the senator believe Congress should pass a law exempting a sitting president from criminal investigation and prosecution? (if no) Then why is he/she supporting Mr. Kavanaugh, who wrote that Congress should do so?
Thank you for taking my call. Donald Trump, who is under FBI investigation, should not appoint and seat a Supreme Court justice, who serves for life. I hope my senator stands with me and if he/she does not, I’ll be sure to let my friends and family know.