Steps to start resisting with Indivisible:

  1. Read the official Indivisible Guide 2.0: Going on Offense.
  2. Find who your MoCs or members of Congress are (2 senators and 1 district representative) and save their phone numbers in your phone. You can also download the awesome 5 Calls app for your smartphone. It’ll help you call your Congressional representatives and provide scripts for the most important issues facing Congress that week.
  3. Sign up on your MoCs’ websites to receive regular email updates, invites to local events, and propaganda to understand what they’re saying. Every MoC has an e-newsletter.
  4. Join a local district-specific Indivisible group where you can learn and coordinate about district-specific actions
  5. Join the county-wide Indivisible OC Facebook and Twitter feed for news and wide calls to action
  6. Go to for recent calls to action

Introductory Video